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16 June 2013

How to install iOS 7

1st of all please don't get fooled by people asking for payment or with the reason of it is laggy without UDID!

Here's the trick to install iOS 7

Download iOS 7 .ipsw file from any torrent website 

( This link is for Asgr only )

The update (iOS 7) will ONLY upgrade your current OS keeping intact ALL the settings THUS making it laggy.


Download iOS 6.1.2 (never install 6.1.3 or 6.1.4) (

Take backup of ONLY contacts, save your photos.

RESTORE the iPhone to 6.1.3, CLEAN Install (JUST Install the OS, do not change or fiddle with nething)

Now, Keep holding left shift key and click on check for updates and select the iOS 7, your phone will start updating.

Once done, download & install the apps from iTunes.
Restore contact backup from cloud or any app and photos, music, etc.

And then open settings and change it as per your requirements.

Close all APPS and restart the phone.


iOS Supported Devices:

iPhone 4, 4S & 5
iPod 5
iPad 3 or later

13 February 2013

How To Download AppSync for iOS 6!

Previously, AppSync got downloaded automatically along with Installous from the Hackulo repo. But now as the repo does not exist any more, you can download AppSync for iOS 6 by following these easy steps:

1. Open Cydia and add the following repo/source –

2. After the packages and releases have been updated, search for “AppSync for iOS 6” and install it.

3. Restart your springboard and connect your Apple device to your PC.

Now you can easily transfer .ipa files from your PC to your iPhone/iPad/iPod using iTunes or iFunBox

05 February 2013

How to Jailbreak iOS 6 Untethered

Step 1: Download evasi0n from this link

Step 2: Extract downloaded file on desktop & open evasi0n folder. Right click on the evasi0n.exe file and "Run as administrator"

Step 3: Dissable Pass-code  if you have any. To disable passcode
Go Settings>General>Passcode Lock> than choose Turn Passcode Off

Step 4: Plug in any iPod, iPhone or iPad

Step 5: After detection Jailbreak button will be activated

Step 6: Now Click Jailbreak button

Step 7: Jailbreak process will now proceed through several steps. Note: It will take some time.
Just relax.

Step 8: Evasi0n will now ask you to unlock your device. Slide to Unlock device, and you will see a new app icon on the second page of the Home screen named “Jailbreak”. Tap this Jailbreak app icon once (make sure to only tap it once), and the screen should go black and then return to the Home screen immediately. Again, make sure you only tap the Jailbreak icon once.

Step 9: Evasi0n will continue displaying messages Than iPhone, iPod touch or iPad will reboot, perhaps more than once. The first reboot will take longer than usual, so once again, be patient during this one-time setup. Again, be patient and don’t touch anything.

Step 10: Once the jailbreak process has completed, evasi0n will tell you that you are “Done.” You should now see a large evasi0n logo showing on your iOS device screen. It should appear once or twice briefly, and then stay on for a bit longer. Finally, you’ll be taken to your Lock screen. From there, you can Slide to Unlock your iOS device and you should see the Cydia icon on your Home screen’s second page.

Thats It.. You're Jailbroken now.. ;-)